Signs of Pyometra in Cats

How do you know if your cat has pyometra? Sometimes the symptoms are straightforward, but at other times the disease can be tricky to diagnose. Knowing the signs of pyometra can, quite literally, save your cat’s life.

Pyometra is defined as an accumulation of pus within the uterus, which can develop because of the hormonal, anatomical, and physiological changes that occur after a cat has gone through a heat cycle but does not become pregnant. Bacteria then take advantage of the situation, resulting in a potentially fatal infection.

Dog Adoption Checklist

Congratulations on deciding to adopt a dog! You are embarking on a wonderful and rewarding relationship. Because adopting a new dog comes with a lot of change for both dog and dog parent, we’ve compiled a checklist to help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs: Diagnosis, Treatment

What is hip dysplasia?

To understand hip dysplasia we must have a basic understanding of the joint that is being affected. The hip joint forms the attachment of the hind leg to the body and is a ball and socket joint. The ball portion is the head of the femur while the socket (acetabulum) is located on the pelvis. In a normal joint the ball rotates freely within the socket.

Vomiting in Dogs

What is vomiting?
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth.

What is the difference between vomiting and regurgitation?
In regurgitation, the food that is expelled comes from the mouth or esophagus, versus the stomach. Vomiting involves the forceful contraction of stomach muscles; regurgitation does not. Both vomiting and regurgitation can occur right after eating or drinking, or up to several hours later.

5 Ways to Know Your Cat Food is Worth the Money

Saving money makes sense for certain items, but not when you're talking about skimping on pet food and getting the "cheap" brand. Your cat is wonderful companion and deserves a diet that will help keep him or her healthy for many years to come. How do know if your cat food is worth it? Let's look a few key factors.

1. Where was the Cat Food Made?

Quality and safety is a concern for all pet food manufacturers, but some companies take particular pride manufacturing the food at their own facilities (versus co-manufacturing or manufacturing off-site) in order to uphold these two principles. According to Mindy Bough, CVT, vice president of operations for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and head of the ASPCA’s Pet Nutrition Services, manufacturing pet foods onsite allows for better quality control as it relates to ingredient sources and processes. Look for a statement on your cat’s food that says it is “manufactured by” the pet food company rather than “manufactured for” or “distributed by.”

3 Surprising Ways Cats Get Sick

The Last Thing You Expect Your Vet to Say

Cats are known for their stoicism in the face of illness, so it’s not unusual for felines to be in a fairly advanced stage of disease by the time they make it in to the veterinarian’s office. We vets have our usual list of suspects when it comes to common diseases in cats, such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes, but we also need to be thinking about some of the more unusual diagnoses we come across in our feline patients. Here are five of the more unusual—or at least, unexpected—diagnoses I have made in my practice. 

Types of Arthritis in Cats

The most common signs of arthritis and joint disease in cats include stiffness, limping, or favoring a limb – particularly after sleep or resting, reluctance to jump or even climb stairs, and noticeable pain.
As in dogs, there are many causes of arthritis and joint disease in cats. These include trauma, infections, immune system disorders, and developmental disorders such as hip dysplasia (yes, cats can get hip dysplasia).

Teach your dog to stay, the fun and easy way

“Stay” is a command that tells your dog to remain stationary where you place them until they are released. This can be used in correlation with a movement command such as “sit” or “down” to help the dog know what is expected of them.


Kneel down and hold your dog by the collar or stand on the leash to anchor him from getting to the treats (you may want to have him on a harness so he is not pulling against his neck). Place the rewards at arm’s reach away out in front of him.

Why Are Dogs Given Up?

In a recent study conducted by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP) and published in the July issue of the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (JAAWS), researchers went into 12 selected animal shelters in the United States for one year to find out why.
The results of the study show that the top seven reasons for relinquishment for both dogs and cats are the same. “These commonalities suggest that there may be similar ways to address relinquishment in dogs and cats,” says Pam Burney, NCPPSP president. “For people who work in a shelter all day, there isn’t always time to look at these issues. We have impressions of what’s happening, but now we have objective data that will help us develop specific programs to address the issues that have been identified.”

How to Manage or Reduce Your Dog’s Destructive Chewing

Puppy Teething
The desire to investigate interesting objects and the discomfort of teething motivate puppies to chew. Much like human infants, puppies go through a stage when they lose their baby teeth and experience pain as their adult teeth come in. This intensified chewing phase usually ends by six months of age. Some recommend giving puppies ice cubes, special dog toys that can be frozen or frozen wet washcloths to chew, which might help numb teething pain. Although puppies do need to chew on things, gentle guidance can teach your puppy to restrict chewing to appropriate objects, like his own toys.

Cat Breeds

American Bobtail Cat

Bobtails are slow to develop, reaching maturity somewhere between two and three years. Like bobcats, the Bobtail's hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, and the feet are large and round and may have toe tufts.
The Bobtail's most noted feature, its succinct tail, is one-third to one-half the length of an ordinary cat's, and should not extend below the hock. Like the Manx, the Bobtail's tail appears to be governed by a dominant gene. The tail is straight and articulate but may curve, have bumps or be slightly knotted. Bobtails with no tails (also called rumpies) are not acceptable because of the health problems associated with the shortened spine.

5 Easy Tips for Trimming Your Cat's Nails

Aren't cats supposed to keep their claws in shape either playing or using a scratching post? Cats usually give a lot of importance to self grooming and they are one of the cleanest pets around. But if the cat is sick or is getting old, they would need assistance in the entire grooming process. If this is not done there is a danger that the cat might injure itself or you may get injured from the scratching and biting.

So let us help you with 5 easy tips for trimming your cat's nails.

You will need a good quality set of cat claw trimmers and this is possibly the only equipment that you will need. So it is advisable to buy a good set and let them last a lifetime, rather than buying cheap ones that will break and cause injuries to the cat.

Your Newly Adopted Dog

Whether he was born in the bushes behind the laundromat or an adolescent abandoned on the streets by his once-upon-a-time owner, the streetwise stray can be a real challenge to incorporate into your life. The famous “he followed me home, can I keep him, Mom?” canine is a special animal that needs time and space, patience and understanding.

Barking When Left Alone

Of all dog behavior problems, perhaps the most distressing one is the dog who barks when left alone. Incessant volleys of yips, woofs and whines are an irritant to those who live in close quarters or for those who need some peace and quiet in their life! These latchkey barkers fit several profiles. It is important to determine which one or more describes your dog; misreading the dog may result in a failure to extinguish the problem.

What To Do If Your Potty Training Fails

Dogs have no idea when they first enter an environment if they are allowed to relieve themselves or not. It is our job as pet parents to manage the environment, the resources and the amount of time between potty breaks carefully to create a consistent routine. Dogs that are most likely to have potty problems usually are relatively new to the environment, get food throughout the day (free feeders or excessive treats throughout the day), have full access to all areas of the home and inconsistencies in their routine.

Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Cat Talk: 10 Reasons Cats Meow

So why do cats meow? Check out ten possible translations for cat talk:
10) I’m hurt – If your cat suddenly begins to meow excessively, take him to be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately. Your cat’s meows may indicate that there is something medically wrong, especially if the behavior isn’t typical. “Numerous diseases can cause a cat to feel hunger, thirst, or pain, all of which can lead to excessive meowing,” advises Web MD.

Pet Vaccines: Schedules for Cats and Dogs

Like people, pets need vaccines. And pet vaccinations, like those for humans, may sometimes require a booster to keep them effective. The best way to stay on schedule with vaccinations for your dog or cat is to follow the recommendations of a veterinarian you trust.

Should You Adopt a Puppy or an Adult or Senior Dog?

When adopting a dog, one choice you’ll need to make is whether to adopt a puppy, an adolescent, or an adult. It’s not always an easy decision, so let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of adopting dogs of different ages.
Puppies are enchanting little beings. They’re funny and cute and full of promise. But puppies, like all babies, need a lot of care and attention if they are to fulfill that promise.

How to Choose a Healthy Puppy

You are finally ready for a companion or a family pet. You already made the decisions on whether you want a dog or cat, male or female, purebred or mixed breed. Now you are looking for just the right animal. Do you know what to look for in a healthy pet? What type of disposition will fit your lifestyle? Your final decision will probably be one of the heart, but we can give you some suggestions to guide you as far as health and temperament.

Top 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

The dog is said to be man’s best friend. But some time these friends come so expensive – especially if they are pure bred pedigrees. There are a variety of factors which make them expensive. Their rarity or purity of breed can make them extremely expensive. Recently, the one year old, golden-haired Tibetan Mastiffhas been sold in China for almost $2 million, making it the most. Below you will find our list of the world’s 10 most expensive dog breeds.

Cats and Children : 2 Things Every Parent Should Know

For many parents, the idea of kids and cats together is an absolute natural. For other parents though, it’s a scary thought that may get the family cat a one-way ticket to the local shelter.
Children and cats can be wonderful companions for each other. My kids have had the most loving, playful, endearing relationships with the cats in our lives. These relationships didn’t just happen by accident though. We prepared, educated and set up an environment that was both kid-safe and cat-safe.