12 Things That Are Infuriating to Pet Owners
We pet owners have a lot to be happy about, but there are few things that irritate us to no end. (Hey, we’re only human.) Here are 12 of of those things:
1. When we see homeless pets and we know there's nothing we can do in the moment to help them.
2. When you encounter "NO DOGS ALLOWED" signs. C'mon! WHY?!
3. When other pet owners don't pick up after their pets. Heads up: You’re making the rest of us look bad!
4. When visitors expect us to put our pets in "jail." HELLO: It's their home, too.
5. Rainy days. Because both of you HATE missing a daily walk. BOO RAIN.
6. Speaking of rainy days, it must be said: Muddy paws are simply no fun.
7. One of the most infuriating things? Having to leave your pet behind when you go to work. All offices should be dog- and cat-friendly!
8. When people body shame our pets. You wouldn't say "someone's looking a little tubby these days" to your friend, right?
9. When your partner isn't a fan of animals in the bed. Which is just ludicris. It's the WHOLE POINT OF HAVING ONE.
10. When people who say we care too much about our pets. Y'know what? TALK TO THE PAW.
11. When your favorite groomer moves away. Because everyone loves a spa day, and we don’t trust just anyone with our pets’ bath, haircut and mani-pedi.
12. And finally, when people expect us to leave our pets behind at vacation time. To which we say: Seriously? What’s a vacay without your best bud?
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